How to Win an Election, Any Election
All of us have just about had our fill of unconstitutional and corrupt actions by our representatives in Congress and, considering their current extremely low "favorable rating" from the public, this is an ideal time for the public to take charge and dislodge them from office. This should be done en mass because they are jointly responsible for laws passed on their watch, and all recently passed legislation that I am familiar with has been in the interest of the rich patrons sponsoring their campaigns.
Some will claim that his own representative is serving him well, and will only attempt to toss out the other guys rep. For your "hero" to say that he is not party to this lamentable mess is like Frank James saying he really did not believe in what brother Jesse was doing and tried to prevent him from doing it. Laws are passed(and laws are at times not enforced) with the cooperation of all members of Congress.To protect your own rep simply will not work. The incumbents almost always win, considering that the big money is on their side.
The 'democracy' which everyone so enthusiastically extols simply does not exist today for the working classes of the U.S. The sole democratic tool left to the public is the ballot box.
I have a sure-fire method for the people to again gain control over their representatives. It consists of simply voting against any incumbent on the ballot, regardless of party. The last election, won by George Bush with a 3 million vote majority over John Kerry, was contested by less than 57 percent of the qualified voters. More than 90 million qualified citizens failed to vote, mainly because they felt that their votes would not count. This figure roughly corresponding to the number of adult citizens without jobs(i.e., the job "participation rate" of U.S. workers is now around 66 percent (34 percent 'not participating') with another 5 percent 'officially' unemployed). If a person is not employed, he is, by definition 'unemployed'. Only our government can not understand this concept. There are about 85+ million 'unemployed' people of working age now in the U.S.
The results of this particular election are typical for most elections, where the winner has less than a 5 percent majority. If only ten percent of these 90 million citizens who failed to vote were to vote against any incumbent he would stand little chance of winning. A simple ten percent increased participation in the Bush/Kerry election could have changed the popular vote margin of 3 million in favor of Bush (a solid majority) to a margin of 6+ million votes in favor of Kerry(a pretty respectible whompin').
If this proposal could become a reality the pols would finally take the public very seriously, that is, if they wanted to be reelected! The sole problem is one of getting these citizens to vote and providing them with a candidate who could win
The fundamental problem for those interested in placing a candidate responsive to the general public in office has always been the choice of an alternative candidate who had a chance of winning. We all now pretty well agree that the incumbent politician's opposition is also one who has his snout firmly affixed to the money trough and in many cases is following the same policies as his opponent. But the charm of this solution is that it should be applied in every election in which the Congress has failed to do what was promised in its platform or was inherent in its party policies. After a very short time the pols would get tired of serving just one term(losing seniority and committee representation), and start paying attention to the needs of their all their constituents, including the American working classes.
A coordination of candidate selection and election such as this differs little from what the Religious Right has been doing for the Republican party, providing an "en bloc" vote which has biased recent elections enough to get our current pathetic officeholders installed.
In the future, when the public becomes aware of their power at the polls, it will be able to select its own candidates for a "peoples party" by setting up sites on the Internet. These sites would collect suggestions for the party's candidates and provide the consensus candidate at election time.
If we all could get behind this movement, we would at last obtain the government we deserve. Other efforts to regain control of Congress, such as that of amending the Constitution under Article V of the Constitution, could well be the ultimate solution but will take time. A project such as this could very well speed up the process.
So I encourage all of those voters who have been disregarded or damaged by their current representative to vote in this coming election. Vote for the opponent of the current incumbent or,if he has left office, for the candidate of the opposite party. Encourage all your friends to do likewise. If each of you will do this I believe that we can win back our government in this election.
To really change our corrupt political system we must use what our Constitution gives us a right to - we need the nation's first Article V convention; learn more at and become an active member.
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We are in Elections in New Zealand where we do not have Queen Elizabeth as the Head of State anymore yet the New Zealand Government has cleverly fooled the public disguise using their Corporate Company "Her Majesty the Queen in Right of New Zealand" to screw every dollar out of the Tax Payer Subject of the Queen now made them Citizens of the Government Politicians and Parliament the Crown Directors who have NO REAL CONSTITUTION or CLEAR TITLE to the Land and Operating a Fraudulent Business using the Queen as their CROWN AITHORITY to MAKE LAWS and CONTROL the PEOPLE who are about to CHOSE a new Candidates but guess what Since there is NO QUEEN that means there is NO AUTHORITY to SWEAR the NEW PARLIAMENT in and the GOVERNOR GENERAL an Indian chosen by the Prime Minister Helen Clark and NOT THE QUEEN will make a FRAUDULENT DECISION to have her Caretaker Government ELECT HER as the NEW CROWN to replace the QUEEN and then put the CROWN ON HER HEAD However we the INDIGENOUS MORIORI First Nations People CLAIMED the QUEENS CROWN before HELEN CLARK can Claim it for herself and JOINED 20 Government Sovereign States who confirmed MAORI GOVERNMENT is the Recognized TRUE SOVEREIGN of New Zealand and so ERU MANUKAU who is in ROME is the HEAD OF STATE in a New WAITING MAORI GOVERNMENT who has a QUEEN ELIZABETH 11 APPROVAL with the 20 STATES to come back to New Zealand and Take up the NEW GOVERNMENT and since the GOVERNOR GENERAL called ANAND SATYANAND DISSOLVED New Zealand Parliament he will have a PROBLEM opening New Zealand's Parliament up after the winning Elections because the New Ministers have NO QUEEN to SWEAR their ALLEGANCES to because WE the MORIORI MAORI have the CROWN NOW and so they have to all BOW TO MAORI the SUCCESSORS Democracy is OUT THE WINDOW after that ERU MANUKAU is in talks with your United States Ministers and President Bush right this very present time talk about the FREE TRADE AGREEMENT the Prime Minister of New Zealand signed with USA without the QUEEN and after QUEEN ELIZABETH11 was removed of her BRITISH CROWN and her SOVEREIEGNTY by the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and in doing so her surrender also Removed “HER MAJESTY TITLE” from New Zealand and its Government Guess what The Government is still using her name after she had gone and signed the AMERICA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT with NEW ZEALAND FRAUDULENTLY UNDER FALSE TITLE OF CROWN from their Government AUTHORITY Business called "HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND" The public is oblivious that they are the SLAVES OF and so you SAY "How to WIN AN ELECTION!" "ANY ONE!" Try this one for size and let me have your answer I will summarize it for you make it easy to comprehend since our Prime Minister HELEN CLARK is teamed up with your Mr. PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH and KEVIN RUDD the Australian Kangaroo Prime Minister and BRITISH Prime Minister GORDON BROWN the ANTI INDIGENOUS 4 some against a 20 Government STATE OPPOSITION FORCE who is backing the INDIGENOUS MAORI GOVERNMENT Who hold the Allodial Title to New Zealand with their Treaty Partner QUEEN ELIZABETH11 since she been removed of her HEAD OF STATE OF NEW ZEALAND and British EMPIRE Commonwealth Countries she is MAORI PARTNER still as Mrs. ELIZABETH11 of ENGLAND
New Zealand Government says it’s the CROWN are they?
The Queen is gone as New Zealand Head of State Is this True?
President Bush signed Agreements with New Zealand Free Trade Agreement Is this Illegal?
Where did New Zealand get its Crown from?
The Queen relinquished her British Crown and Sovereignty on 20th July 2008 and then just bought the biggest Wind Generator in the world in October 2008 as her first new own Business since she is a free woman and she was the Head of State of new Zealand Now since she is gone how does that put New Zealand Governor Generals legal position since he is her Queens Representative now she’s gone what is he? Is he redundant to open the New Zealand Parliament since he is contracted to represent her? Can he Operate and run New Zealand on his own QUEENLESS and is this FRAUDULENT not to disclose this information to the PUBLIC on the 20th July 2008 when we informed the PUBLIC of the world and New Zealand?
Can you solve this problem for us since the UNCENCORED OPINION with another OPINION I be kind to wait it most patiently?
Now if we the MAORI GOVERNMENT happen to topple this present Democratic Corrupted Government and its Parliamentary Bulldozer Bully Fraudulent tactics to make you submit at the whim because they are the HIGHEST COURTS in the LAND way above the Supreme Courts and Judges do you think it will have a DOMMINO EFFECT just like the Banks and Finance Company’s with their detrimental mental gambling attitudes ignorant reckless Parliament behavior to SCREW ALL THEM TAXPAYERS again and again to foot their Trillions of Dollars Political fraudulent corrupted decisions and mistakes?
Maori Government would be made up of permanent Ministers for life 2 from each of the 20 States Co Operative Trading Partners in common 2 Ministers from each of 27 Pacific Island States included in the Pacific Triangle worth USD$1000a Trillion Dollars in Maori and Pacific Islands Economic Natural Resources or a third of the Globe we hold Title to under the 20 State Governments and our Maori 1835 Declaration of Independence Flag the New Zealand Government never could take from us or extinguish and that makes up 94 Ministers of the new MORIORI CROWN and we add our QUEEN ELIZABETH11 and her one Windmill purchase to us and threat makes up the 95 Ministers of a MAORI GOVERNMENT in waiting for the 8th NOVEMBER 2008 when the WINNER of the Government of New Zealand will be announced!
This eliminates a need for a Parliament or expensive Consultants to run this Government who are more a Co Operative with their own Currency MAORI MONEY and a MAORI BANK for life Society share the Management and control of the Resources in the Pacific Triangle or a THIRD OF THE GLOBE MORIORI CROWN ENTITYY Is this a good idea opinion or what?
Finally which one would you pick? The 4 State Governments USA NZ AUSTRALIA BRITAIN and a NZ$400Billion DEBT NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT in BIG financial trouble stealing the local KIWI BANK New Zealand tax Payers BANK to prop itself up by giving the peoples savings as a carrot back to them the THIEVES use your money not theirs as your Country and Bush used Taxpayers USD$700Billion to rescue their corrupted Share market racketeering Business
Or would you chose or
Thank you
John Wanoa
Founding Director Maori Government Political Analyst Strategist Indigenous Moriori Maori Historian and Crown Treaty Negotiator Mechanic Tidal Turbine Design Engineer Builder Concreter
The founding document of Nu Terini is He Whakaputanga (1835).
The heralded flag of 1834 remains and signifies our lawfully recognised sovereign jurisdiction exersizing the law of the land.
This Eru Manukau and MSSG thing is but an attempt to divide people further and replace a rotten apple with a worm filled rotten apple.
You will not be free under any government. They are public servants i.e. below we the people.
What is the most valuable thing of all? The people! the people! the people!
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