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Uncensored Opinions: November 2006

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Poor poor Jesus

I have lived in Denver part time during the last year and recently discovered posters in the downtown mall area suggesting that people not give handouts to street people, instead making contributions to organized charities. Subsequently I have read about a law in Oregon making it an offense to give food to street people. Now I read about a similar law in Las Vegas. And these are all cities located in christian communities. I'm not that familiar with the new testament, but I thought that Jesus's teachings were of charity to all and a universal brotherhood(of all as well, not just of so-called "good people".) If so, where is the public outcry from those christian sects that profess the gospel to be the true teachings of Christ. Poor Jesus should certainly view these acts as blasphemy and be insulted that they are perpetrated by people professing to be christians.
As far as giving to "established" charities so that these gifts would be used to directly benefit those in need, I tried to locate one after the tsunami in Indonesia. I checked out those recommended on internet sites who claimed to give the largest percent in direct (material) aid to those who had suffered. After checking out one of the "recommended" organizations I found the following. Out of approximately $60 million collected, a maximum of $65 thousand dollars went directly to provide material aid to those poor and starving people(somewhere around one tenth of one percent). The rest was spent on salaries and the considerable travel and living expenses of the administrators and employees. These people apparently felt that just their presence was enough to alleviate the tsunami's effects. Now, after learning of these new programs denying direct aid to people who are definitely suffering and in need of support(the street people), I returned to the quest for an organization who would "wisely" provide just this support.
I picked out a suggested organization from another internet site providing assistence in finding a"worthy"charity. The organization I selected was CARE, which it was claimed only spent approximately 9 percent for administration and fund raising and the rest as direct aid. After reviewing CARE's government- mandated Form 990 for fiscal year 2005, I found the following: Out of approximately $600 million collected, more than $100 million went for employee salaries alone( a whopping 16 percent ); the 8 highest-paid administrators in their Atlanta office were receiving an average of $180 thousand per year and one was apparently receiving money for education. You'd think that a seniior person making that sort of money would already be trained, but apparently not. The only money that could have been spent directly on any beneficiaries was a lump sum grant of $94 million, and who knows how much of that really reached someone in need(the recipient had his own "administrative" expenses I am sure). One last item, a $74 million disbursement of agricultural commodities looked as if (finally) CARE actually shelled out something substantive. It turned out that this "gift in kind" actually came directly from the U.S. government. CARE did not deign to purchase anything else of this nature to suppliment the government gift, apparently determined to keep their record clean.
If you check out all the other so-called reputable charities you will find somewhat the same. These organizations are just one more type of charties for the rich.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Demise of the American middle class

American as well as all western white and blue collar workers will soon realize that they will either have to decrease their wage demands to conform with "global standards" or chose jobs in the service sector. These global standard wages are now being set by worker in India and China, where average hourly wages are about 65 cents and one dollar respectively. The high paying jobs created in Mexico under NAFTA, the whopping $3.50 per hour ones, are moving to China because even this princely wage level is much too generous according to U.S. businessmen. So currently unemployed workers and anyone laid off in the future better get their applications into McD and Wal-Mart in a hurry because these will be the premier jobs of the future. But, if American workers are willing to accept these "global standard wages" (adjusted for transportation costs), no more than $4.00 per hour, perhaps they can get work here in the U.S., but only if their employers believe these wages will be maintained in the future. Unfortunately no one an live on $4.00 per hour in the U.S. unless he doesn't mind living on a subsistence level without car or medical coverage(even if minimum wage laws were waived to allow them to do so).
So the middle class worker unwilling or unable to accept this wage level has been disappearing into the limbo of the " having chosen leisure over work" class. The (establishment) economists have so labeled those 25 percent of the labor force(about 70 million people) who are of working age but not working. Forty(40) million of these 70 million "loafers" are between age 50 and 62(surprise!), still too young to be receiving social security.
So what are these "leisure choosers"doing? Some have legitimately retired, being beneficiaries of retirement plans(civil servant ones being the most generous.) But the great bulk of them are simply limping along on their accumulated savings, or, if they are not so well off, have applied and been accepted as "disabled' under SSI or SSD programs. The children of all these American workers ( those displaced by foreign workers) will not see a dime of whatever savings they had made prior to this time.
Who can we thank for this disaster? The pols have paid their (personal) economists to say that it is the wage earner's own preference for leisure. Other current myths, created in the same way and by the same people, claim that American workers are uneducated or too lazy to retrain themselves, or simply too lazy. In other words, the workers have only themselves to blame.
The truth is that establishment politicians have engineered this demise of the middle class via globalization, NAFTA, CAFTA, and legal immigration laws benefitting their clients, the rich. All of these programs have proven to be against the interests of the American working classes but none has been revoked or revised. NAFTA alone is currently costing the U.S. treasury $40 billion dollars yearly but the pols still insist on CAFTA. The immigtation laws affecting high-tech jobs have not only ruined the prospects for many American hi-tech workers, but have precipitated the loss of an entire industry. And the pols continue doing absolutely nothing, even after recognizing daily the adverse consequences of their policies.